Magat Book - page 15

פולדר תדמיתי
עיצוב רולאפים
IBIS Airborne
Airborne Cellular Interception System
installed on a dedicatedDiamond
mission plane
The well-known IBIS system is used worldwide
by LEA and security forces for several yearswith
great success, in a variety of ground tactical
missions, in transportable cases or in fixed
The new airborne design introduced by Ability,
presents a new system architecture that
transforms the basic IBIS to be compatible for
airborne platforms such as planes, helicopters
and aerostats, and by that, gaining coverage of
areas that cannot be accessed in other ground
ways,or inorder toeliminateany chanceofbeing
exposed on the ground.
Theadvancedsystemdesign incorporatesAbility’s
proven field experience in development and
manufacturing cutting edge cellular interception
systems, using the IBIS infrastructure
while introducing new methods of cellular
The IBIS Airborne is an advanced, integrated
active interception solution that includes all
relevant sub systems and modules divided into
2 segments, an airborne segment which acts
as a flying sensor and a ground segment that
is dedicated tomission planning, production and
Theairbornesegmentbasicconfiguration includes
the 2G and 3G base stations, used for mobiles
detection and interception, utilizing high gain
antenna array installed in a specific radom.
The airplane antenna radom:
2G / 3G
Sky Interception
By using a dedicated, fast data link between
the ground segment and the airborne segment,
the intercepted data is demodulated, analyzed
decrypted and linked to the real network.
The ground system user can initiate scan
commands, define targets, analyze, monitor,
perform selective blocking and record the
intercepted communication, regardless of the
encryptionmethod used by the network.
The following images depicts the system
screen shots for tracking and interception:
The IBIS Airborne system can be used for
variety of differentmissions such as surveillance
missions, boarder control, drug dealers tracking,
following kidnapers, detection of active mobiles
in disaster areas and even for providing cellular
services in caseof catastropheswhen theground
network is out of order.
In addition to the powerful interception and
monitoring capabilities, the IBIS Airborne can be
used for target locating by utilizing special silent
call for homingDF devices.
On top of that, a unique data interception
capability can be added to the system for data
2G / 3G Interception from high above
IBIS Airborne
Airborne Cellular Interception System
Frequency bandsGSM
800, E900, 1800, 1900Mhz
Frequency bandsUMTS
850, 900, 1700, 1900, 2100MHz
Concurrent intercepted calls
Maximum transmission power
Supported encryption
A5/0, A5/2, A5/1, A5/3
Airborne PayloadWeight
About 18Kg
Power consumption
28 volt, 900watt
Maximum operational altitude
12,000 feet
Ground link data rate
500Kbpc for uplink and downlink
The system layout and antennas are tailored to the specific airborne platform and different enclosures can
be offered. For specific platform, please contact Ability.
The IBIS Airborne offers an integrated
solution that supports rapid access to
remote sites, joined efforts with ground
systems and coverage of remote areas.
engine that allows using the system at
an altitude of 12,000 feet without any
ground noise.
The IBISAIRBORNEmain characteristics:
IBIS Airborne
Airborne Cellular Interception System
TheIBISAirbornecanextract themobiles identities
such as IMEI, IMSI & TMSI and allows the user
in no time to identify his target mobiles and to
monitor them.The IBISAirborneoffersa complete
set of capabilities and advance features to allow
the user to control the GSM environment and
GSM communication over the area covered by the
airborne antennas. The user can control the level
of service to the targetmobiles, selectively block
specificmobiles, perform silent calls, call or SMS
on behalf of targetmobile, changeSMSmessages
”on the fly”, detect change ofSIM cards or change
of handsets and supportDirection Finding system
andmany additional operational features.
The IBIS Airborne operates in a seamlessmanner
and no cooperation is required with the network
The system can be used either in stand-alone
configuration or as a part of an interception
network, managed by a Tactical Command &
Control system.
14YadHarutzimSt., TelAviv, Israel,6770007 | Tel+97236879777 | Fax+97235376483
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